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Gritin Resistance Bands, [Set of 5] Skin-Friendly Resistance Fitness..

Best price: £9.99 (23% off)
  • 5 Colors 5 Levels Our resistance bands include five colors repr..
  • Safe and DurableNon-toxic and skin-friendly to the human body. ..
  • Extension Length600mm x 50mm, long enough to stretch your total..
  • Perfect PortabilityWith a free carrying bag, it is very easy an..
  • What You Get5X Gritin resistance bands with different level , 1..

Product Attributes

  • Width: 2.0 inches,
  • Height: 0.1 inches,
  • Weight: 0.3 pounds,
  • Length: 11.8 inches,
  • Size: Light/Medium/Heavy/X-Heavy/XX-Heavy




51.7% 12.2% 36.1%

Senti Score  [63.9%]

Resistance Bands Set Exercise Bands, Resistance Bands Set Men Home W..

Best price: £16.99
  • STACKABLE RESISTANCE BANDS: Each home gym resistance bands have..
  • SAVE TIME AND MONEY: resistance bands set can help you save exp..
  • ACHIEVE ALL-ROUND FITNESS:Workout resistance bands set to ensur..
  • BETTER EXERCISE CHOICEExercise equipment resistance bands set c..
  • ALL ACCESSORIES IN ONE PACKAGE: The package includes 12 items, ..

Product Attributes

  • Width: 16.1 Inches,
  • Height: 16.1 Inches,
  • Weight: 1.8 Pounds,
  • Length: 16.1 Inches,
  • Size: 150LBS




44.3% 11.9% 43.8%

Senti Score  [56.2%]

* hover your mouse over a word to see more details

Gritin Resistance Bands, [Set of 5] Skin-Friendly Resistance Fitness..

happy perfect annoying very pleased brilliant piece disappointed great utter garbage worst thing love excellent product excellent cheap flimsy complete waste expected

Resistance Bands Set Exercise Bands, Resistance Bands Set Men Home W..

simply amazing happy disappointed seams poor totally inaccurate amazing lots absolute waste excellent product great good cheap wrong disappointed decent strong difficult

Compare Cons

very disappointed in both products

"i only use them 3 times a week and i am not a weight lifter so was very disappointed that they’ve not lasted longer"

wasted money in both products

"please can i get a reply as i’ve wasted money"

more expensive in both products

"they were more expensive than apparently they used to be due to supply and demand i guess"

them useless in both products

"unfortunately the bands roll up with any basic movements rendering them useless and needing constant readjustment thereby disrupting your workout"

waste your money in both products

"don't waste your money!"

poor quality in both products

"they aren't of poor quality i would just like a clearer depiction of the product"

resistance bands in both products

"they are ok as resistance bands but too thin to use comfortably on thighs"

very flimsy in both products

"they feel very flimsy i tried them on my legs and they rolled down and didnt stay tidy at all"

would not recommend in both products

"i would not recommend"

very small in both products

"these are okay if you don't want to do any chest expander type exercises they're very small and there doesn't seem to be much stretch in them so some exercises are impossible"

complete waste

"i've used many therabands resistance bands cords etc over the years and these were a complete waste of money for me"

utter garbage

"utter garbage"

worst thing

"the worst thing is that they're thin so when you're doing movements on your hands and knees especially they roll up no matter where they're placed on the leg"

quite annoying

"this can be quite annoying!"

really frustrating

"as the bands are made of rubber they pinch my skin when i am working out and often “roll up” which is really frustrating and painful when i’m in the middle of a timed set"

with caution

"please use with caution and inspect your bands before each use"

extremely short

"they are extremely short and quite unlikely to comfortably fit anywhere other than between your feet and unlikely to stretch too far without fear of snapping or for simple arm pull apart to about just over a shoulders breadth apart"

unfortunately this

"and yes i was giving them some tension so that they wouldn't move i decided to give them a few more tries as i thought it could be my workout leggings i was wearing that might of caused them to move or roll up but unfortunately this wasn't the case"

enforced inactivity

"i needed a set of bands to use with my physiotherapy exercises after an injury and prolonged period of enforced inactivity"

awful material

"bands are made from awful material which just sticks to your skin and they are not doing anything"

seriously disappointed

"seriously disappointed"

begin exercising

"having added on more than a few covid lbs in the last ten months these are a great way to begin exercising stretching again whilst we're stuck at home"

worst purchase

"this was honestly the worst purchase i've ever made on amazon"

quite distracting

"they are fab for the price and for what you get from them however the fact that they fall down and roll up is quite distracting when exercising"

really hurt

"they roll up on my thighs and really hurt"

locked down

"also good for stretching and resistance work like bicep curls etc too while i was locked down"

misleading advertising

"you are doing misleading advertising"

markings fade

"in a 4 week period where it has been used constantly product has not deformed lost strength or had writting markings fade"

heavy strain

"i was using it to stretch chest muscle so it wasn't subject to heavy strain"

wasting money

"overall these were a good introduction to resistance bands but after 8 weeks of regular use i am buying a set of fabric bands to use instead and wish i had bought them straight off rather than wasting money on these"

only issue

"the only issue i had was with its durability"

been useless

"other i have bought have been useless"

rolling whole

"the resistance bands are good for their price they come packaged well and are good for starting out the only problem i have with them is the keep rolling whole using them which is very uncomfortable especially since they are rubber"

made cheaply

"these are made from latex so you can tell it's not made cheaply however i can only get use out of the higher resistance bands"

returning them

"why aren't i returning them?"

rather madly

"i do also have some material ones in case but have yet t really use those ones the light band is rather madly light so i haven't bothered with that one i mostly use the heavy x heavy xx heavy"

were awful

"ordered as i ordered some different bands different company and they were awful so didn’t have much hope of finding good ones but these are amazing minimal rolling on light and none on heavier bands great quality nice little storage bag would recommend 10 10"

cheap thin

"horrible cheap thin broke one in 20 minutes of using it"

becoming brittle

"what i find confusing is that the instructions say to keep them in a plastic bag presumably to stop them drying out and becoming brittle so why not give some sort of a plastic zip lock pouch instead of the string one?"

lack versatility

"with 5 levels of strength you'd expect a wide variety but they're all pretty basic at most and therefore lack versatility"

massive nuisance

"as the bands are very thin they move easily during a workout which is a massive nuisance and you have to keep stopping every few seconds to move them back"

awaiting refund

"returned and awaiting refund"

horrible smell

"some cheap bands have this horrible smell of rubber that does not go away with time and stays on the skin after working out but not those ones!"

small child

"the bands are tiny made for someone the size of a small child really"

rolling down

"different resistances which is good but they keep rolling down and it means they dig in to your skin when you use them instead of lying flat"

very deceiving

"very deceiving product"

missed training

"i got the product earlier than expected which i was over the moon with as i had missed training and with not being able to get to the gym since lockdown it’s meant i can maintain exercising and pushing myself that bit more"

only problem

"the resistance bands are good for their price they come packaged well and are good for starting out the only problem i have with them is the keep rolling whole using them which is very uncomfortable especially since they are rubber"

fooled me again

"can’t believe why they fooled me again"

very limited

"these are not the resistance bands that you see in gyms they are made of cheap rubber and are extremely small resulting ia very limited amount of uses"

been damaged

"i don’t have a dog and live alone so the bands have not been damaged"

cheap bands

"some cheap bands have this horrible smell of rubber that does not go away with time and stays on the skin after working out but not those ones!"

virtually impossible

"60cm when fully extended so it's virtually impossible to get into any useful starting positions for exercises"

cheap rubber

"these are not the resistance bands that you see in gyms they are made of cheap rubber and are extremely small resulting ia very limited amount of uses"

complete misunderstanding

"very disappointed light and medium tapes rolled up the heavy one retightened on my thighs complete misunderstanding"

very tight

"first time using one it kept curling up it would not stay flat on my legs i would fix it flat and as soon as started exercising again would curl up like a very tight elastic band around your legs ouch it hurt"

running injury

"i was advised by my physiotherapist to get some therabands to help with an ongoing running injury"

broken down

"now maybe i am being harsh and i have the natural strength of hulk hogan and his 24 inch pythons but in reality i’m a broken down carpal tunnel victim recovering from the christmas break and these bands snapped without very little resistance at all"

extremely small

"these bands are extremely small"

extreme beginners

"unfortunately these elastics are weak and can't be used for athletes only extreme beginners"

serious stress

"it says they will stretch as much as your whole body and that might be true for children or short people but they look under serious stress if i try to stretch them that much e"

very uncomfortable

"the resistance bands are good for their price they come packaged well and are good for starting out the only problem i have with them is the keep rolling whole using them which is very uncomfortable especially since they are rubber"

main problem

"the main problem with this product is durability"

wasted my money

"very disappointed feel like i wasted my money"

kinda boring

"first of all i'm a beginner and i've tried dumbells but i really don't like them cause the exercises with them are kinda boring"

full stretch

"they roll up your leg a soon as you move and due to the shinny material they slid down unless on full stretch"

expected lifetime

"might be this is the expected lifetime but i was a bit surprised by it"

constant readjustment

"unfortunately the bands roll up with any basic movements rendering them useless and needing constant readjustment thereby disrupting your workout"

returned item

"quarantine as these do not appear to be a brand new item which is what i thought i was buying not a returned item"

more punishment

"thicker bands feel like they could take more punishment so your mileage may vary!"

gets worse

"the pinching and rolling up gets worse when it’s hot sweaty"

rather slower

"exercise with those bands should be rather slower more controlled so they wont move and in my opinion its better and you will do greater good by stretching less but hold the tension than just strech lot like crazy without control and the band moving around"

quality issue

"it is the 'light' and 'medium' bands that have split so definitely a quality issue with these ones"

very basic

"i was doing very basic stretches with one end tied to a desk leg and the other end around my ankle moving my leg backwards"

little too small

"currently trying to figure out how i can still use them but they are just a little too small"

little booklet

"it comes with a little bag which the bands can be kept in and there is a little booklet which explains what the different strengths can be used for and some recommended exercises"

little baggie

"they come with a nice little baggie"

x heavy band

"and the x heavy band i have snapped within 4 6 weeks of use so i can’t imagine these will have longevity either"

could break

"initially had high hopes for these bands however upon delivery today i noticed the x light green band is not uniform the band becomes thinner meaning the thinner part will feel more tension and could break"

they are too small

"was hoping to use them for bicep curls but they are too small"

weird sticky feeling

"after about 3 days of use the medium one already started showing wear and tear signs shown in pictures and actually makes me wonder how long is it going to last and also started to get a weird sticky feeling"

just a shame

"just a shame they roll down and are quite small really"

feel more tension

"initially had high hopes for these bands however upon delivery today i noticed the x light green band is not uniform the band becomes thinner meaning the thinner part will feel more tension and could break"

constant fear

"they don’t stretch half as much as the resistance bands you’re used to seeing in gyms and give you a constant fear of tearing apart in your face during a more stretch intensive exercise"

having a rant

"it rips which then it lead to me being frustrated and having a rant to myself but then just blamed it on my size and moved on"

like lag openers

"maybe for ladies who are doing isolations or small movements like lag openers"

quite a challenge

"the resistances are clearly marked obviously the highest resistance is quite a challenge but that is something to work towards!"

skeptical of these bands

"was a bit skeptical of these bands at first but they actually work really well "

distorted after first

"not enough ‘give’ to be useful even for a basic bicep curl and already distorted after first use"

waste of money

"waste of money"

leaflet it funnily enough

"it states "use them for squats" i'm no entirely sure how you are supposed to do this as the bands are way too small and in the demo leaflet it funnily enough doesn't demo anyone doing squats"

latex problem

"but i can't find non latex bands anywhere and most people won't have a latex problem so overall the product is great"

fairly disappointing

"didn't expect them to snap at all really and i've not been doing anything out of the ordinary either so fairly disappointing because they've been very good up until then"

become unusable

"i've used them every other day for about a month during lockdown but 3 of mine have snapped and become unusable now!"

heavy and x heavy

"these heavy and x heavy bands surface pinch my skin and hair at every stretch which is painful and annoying"

sending it back

"not gonna refund it because i'll be able to use the other strength bands and it's not worth my time sending it back but let it be known i'm dissatisfied with my purchase"

last forever

"the bod programme does advise to get a couple of sets as they like most other things will not last forever"

cheap rubbish

"these are cheap rubbish"

lying flat

"different resistances which is good but they keep rolling down and it means they dig in to your skin when you use them instead of lying flat"

feel so weak

"they roll up as soon as you put them on they're tiny and feel so weak so don't feel like they do anything for you"

same problems

"i have kept these band clean i have followed the instructions on how to clean and dry them hoping that this would help solve my problem but no still the same problems"

lost their `` resistance

"however from the limited use sadly the green and blue bands became sticky and lost their “resistance”"

basic training

"so the product is okay for yoga or other basic training"

small holes

"at first i was really impressed with them however they only last a month before one of them snapped and a few others had small holes appear"

it's hopeless

"g leg kicks when on all fours and then dig into you and it’s hopeless and you can’t continue"

disappointed with these

"i am quite disappointed with these"

disappointed with them

"i'm really disappointed with them"

dont take space

"good value for money and they dont take space"

wasting a lot of time

"only with the two heaviest where the material is thicker it didn't roll up as much but i still find myself fixing the bands between every other exercise wasting a lot of time"

market cost

"so i feel pitching a mid market cost i feel that these should be pretty strong and sadly they have let me down"

heavy x heavy

"would be 5 stars but the heavy x heavy and xx heavy are very close in colour and so i have to look for the writing to check which one i have"

rolling i dont

"i generally think it could be good to use during a work out but used it the first second days and the bands keep rolling i dont even know how to explain"

unable to do donkey

"i only use them on my legs and i'm unable to do donkey kicks etc"

me off using them

"i was so excited to give them ago to make my workout that just little bit more fun but due to them rolling up or moving it has really put me off using them"

muscle mass

"lost a lot of weight and muscle mass last year due to depression great way to get back on track the weakest band green one is a great strength to start off with"

thin material

"bands feel robust and not cheap thin material"

heavy xx heavy

"i do also have some material ones in case but have yet t really use those ones the light band is rather madly light so i haven't bothered with that one i mostly use the heavy x heavy xx heavy"

constant slipping

"constant slipping"

rolling up however

"unfortunately i realised that the product is useless always rolling up however it looks great quality!"

easier alternative

"easier alternative to weights and you can take them anywhere with you"

rather unpleasant

"they may be cheap but it's not worth even that they also feel rather unpleasant too"

heavy band

"also not sure if it's just me not realising my strength but i had to start on the red heavy band as the others were not giving me enough resistance so i can only really use the red and black one out of this pack"

little cheated

"the bands themselves are okay but i felt a little cheated as they are described as being 600mm rather than most which are 300mm"

rubbish junk

"rubbish junk now in bin"

returned it back

"i returned it back"

apparently over 39

"apparently over 39 000 people gave this 5 stars which have definitely been accumulated by fake robots reviews or by weakling children who have never exercised in their life"

cheap coloured rubber

"cheap coloured rubber makes it easy to see which resistance you are using and comes in a small pouch which will hold all the bands"

xtra heavy

"went from an xtra heavy on these to a medium on one of the fabric grace fit bands so these definitely are no way near as strong"

first training

"i have a set set of them they broke very quickly but though i was unlucky and bought a new set which broke on the first training"

fooled by the photos

"don't be fooled by the photos"

stretch marks

"no signs of wear or stretch marks on any of the bands after two weeks of use but cannot comment on their long term durability"

returning straight away

"will be returning straight away for a refund"

poor value

"so poor value for money in my honest opinion"

unable to use them

"when used the bands would roll up and become quite painful therefore i was unable to use them"

empty envelope

"received an empty envelope"

bad to store them

"i got them wrapped individually in little plastic bags with instructions and a bad to store them which is nice"

very bad quality

"these bands are very bad quality"

advised by physio

"have only just started using the light resistance band as advised by physio "

returned straight away

"returned straight away"

become quite painful

"when used the bands would roll up and become quite painful therefore i was unable to use them"

extremely weak

"i was extremely weak in my arms and legs after an illness and this has changed the game and helped me get stronger at my pace without all that crazy large expensive equipment"

very limiting

"bit even this is very limiting due to the lack of length"

deem useless

"they are not suitable for many exercises and deem useless"

plastic and avoid

"with this said perhaps purchase ones that aren’t plastic and avoid altogether"

heavy weight band

"i have also moved up from the medium weight band to a heavy weight band to see if the weight would do anything but nothing"

i lose my rhythm

"i do like these very easy to use for arms but tend to twist for legs so i lose my rhythm"

material is thicker

"only with the two heaviest where the material is thicker it didn't roll up as much but i still find myself fixing the bands between every other exercise wasting a lot of time"

restricted use care

"i've used a gym for 20+ years and purchased these for complementary use with my dumbbells as my gym is still restricted use care of covid"

thin rubber

"the lighter ones are too flimsy and just roll over cus they made from such thin rubber"

just to return

"as mentioned in lockdown so don't want to take the risk of venturing out just to return it"

full body routine

"on the leaflet there's a full body routine for beginners that i deem quite simple but it's a start i guess"

they dont have

"i thought id buy slightly more expensive bands even though they dont have handles because i thought i don’t want it snapping on me"

limited use someone

"as a man i find them too small and of limited use someone with a small frame might find them more useful"

quite uncomfortable

"they're not really suitable for some movements where you have them round thighs as they move and or roll up which is quite uncomfortable"

could n't do bicep

"you couldn't do bicep crunches standing up"

just keep rolling

"when i try to use them they just keep rolling up"

exercises to skip

"now i know what to use them for and which exercises to skip"

which is not great

"they ride up which is not great"

make it flat

"they are really good it’s just annoying if you have chubby legs because they kind of roll but you just have to make it flat"

n't last long

"didn't last long"

lays my complaint

"and there lays my complaint"

no good ever

"i am a large woman and theses were no good ever"

anyhoo buyer beware

"gonna work anyhoo buyer beware very short bands"

n't imagine these

"however i can't imagine these won't improve anyone"

nothing has snapped

"i've only had them for a couple of weeks which is why i haven't marked the durability but so far nothing has snapped"

major disadvantage

"one major disadvantage with these bands are that you cannot use them with a door anchor loop so you are a bit stuck if you don’t have suitable anchor"

small brochure

"the bands always come with a small brochure with suggested exercises really good for if you don’t have any idea what kind of exercises to start off with"

from medium to heavy

"there is a bit of a jump in resistance from medium to heavy but can use meium plus ultra light to get an in between level"

very little of burn

"i felt very little of burn while working out with the black one"

staying flat

"the resistance band kept rolling up and moving further up my legs to my hips instead of staying flat and in place"

n't have suitable anchor

"one major disadvantage with these bands are that you cannot use them with a door anchor loop so you are a bit stuck if you don’t have suitable anchor"

ruined the workout

"tried just constantly readjusting but this was frustrating and totally ruined the workout due to missing reps"

very short

"bands are very short"

your workout

"these are great for helping to intensify your workout at home"

lunges fire hydrants

"i do like these bands for arm exercises but had to mark the overall score down because they roll up constantly when doing leg lifts lunges fire hydrants etc so a lot of time is wasted fixing them back into place!"

worst resistance bands

"these are the worst resistance bands ever"

during training

"even the heaviest one is too weak to be helpful at all during training"

'm honestly disappointed

"these are my first resistance bands and i’m honestly disappointed"

flat which

"they also keep riding into a tight ring rather than staying flat which makes them really painful to use"

pulling it far too much

"but they haven't broken yet even at times when i was scared i was pulling it far too much"

awful quality

"they don't seem of an awful quality and they don't irritate your skin as others do"

whilst i was using

"initially thought these were good for their price but the red heavy band snapped whilst i was using it"

wo n't lose them

"i’d highly recommend these compared to the material ones but i’ve used rubber ones before you also get a little bag for them to go in so you won’t lose them!"

even the xxx heavy

"even the xxx heavy isn’t strong enough"

they are 30 cm long

"they are 30cm long"

muscle problem

"i have a muscle problem in my shoulders and was advised to purchase some resistance bands searched the internet and these fitted the bill for my needs the documents that came with them were clear and easy to understand and follow"

short and flimsy

"for anything else they are simply too short and flimsy"

just a bit tricky

"they are just a bit tricky that's all they are quite resistant and good"

thats not possible

"i normally workout in the gym but with the current situation thats not possible"

poorly printed

"i bought myself another set of resistance tu bes and the instruction guide was poorly printed"

no extension possible

"they are very short so unable to do most exercises unless it’s for legs and even then no extension possible the rubber gathers making it uncomfortable and hard to use"

thoroughly checking

"they're amazing i shouldve checked the dimensions first because they're far too small to use for assisted pull ups but that's my fault for jumping the gun and not thoroughly checking it"

not like these bands

"unfortunately i do not like these bands "

n't like about this

"the only thing i didn’t like about this is it does tend to slip or ride up in the midst of exercising so i do need to readjust now and again"

n't stay in place

"i used them around the legs they kept digging in and rolling up and just didn’t stay in place"

very little experience

"first time buying exercise bands and have very little experience using them"

not doing anything

"bands are made from awful material which just sticks to your skin and they are not doing anything"

were no good

"perhaps it depends on what you want them for but they were no good for me small female"

load of rubbish

"what a load of rubbish"

quite cheaply

"thankfully i wasn’t injured but be aware that these bands are quite cheaply made and will eventually snap"

rubber material

"the rubber material does not catch or rub on leggings"

very long time

"good entry level product i bought these to help strengthen my leg muscles some of the bands are more used from injuries and are very light so i only use those ones if i was recovering from a leg injury only used few times so far cannot say how long they will last but material seems good and if used correctly as per instructions should last me a very long time"

send back for a refund

"i would like to know how to send back for a refund"

slip off around

"i purchased these based on the reviews and i am happy with the product yes the do the job however i am quite slim so the bands slip off around me legs so they could have been tighter like other brands"

just a fault

"saw some marks on the band at purchase assumed it was due to being poured into the mould or whatever apparently this was just a fault in it"

some grip but not enough

"the bands are made of good quality material and do have some grip but not enough"

will not get lost

"it comes with a nice mesh sack so you can store your rubber band and it will not get lost"

have not much resistance

"2 lightest bands have not much resistance at all and i've skipped using them even though only coming back to exercise!"

they wo n't snap

"i really hope they won't snap"

basic bicep

"not enough ‘give’ to be useful even for a basic bicep curl and already distorted after first use"

they are too short

"i cannot do a full bicep curl with these bands as they are too short"

nice mesh sack

"it comes with a nice mesh sack so you can store your rubber band and it will not get lost"

thigh training

"go for something much wider for thigh training"

totally pointless

"totally pointless"

not even for beginners

"they are not even for beginners far too lightweight"

they are too thin

"looked well made at first but after trying them for the first time they keep rolling up because they are too thin"

expected quite frankly

"i should have guessed just by the price that these weren't going to be what i expected quite frankly they're rubbish really flimsy and worthless for any real training"

n't really need

"there is a small sheet of instructions which i didn't really need"

straight off rather than

"overall these were a good introduction to resistance bands but after 8 weeks of regular use i am buying a set of fabric bands to use instead and wish i had bought them straight off rather than wasting money on these"

being harsh and

"now maybe i am being harsh and i have the natural strength of hulk hogan and his 24 inch pythons but in reality i’m a broken down carpal tunnel victim recovering from the christmas break and these bands snapped without very little resistance at all"

never bothered

"wish i’d never bothered"

lifetime warranty

"the icing on the cake though is all products from this store come with a lifetime warranty"

no pressure on the knee

"he can feel a difference in his legs after such a short time and there is no pressure on the knee so that is good"

fall down and roll

"they are fab for the price and for what you get from them however the fact that they fall down and roll up is quite distracting when exercising"

medium heavy

"on the photo you can see the stretch of their "heaviest" elastic band and it expands twice as much as a 'medium heavy' elastic band from another brand"

many products

"unfortunately as they're made in china my hopes aren't high as i've had too many products from there fail within a short space of time"

like in the photo

"they have different resistance they look like in the photo and they're good quality"

which is annoying

"they roll up which is annoying"

weight lifter

"i only use them 3 times a week and i am not a weight lifter so was very disappointed that they’ve not lasted longer"

n't worth the purchase

"for me it wasn't worth the purchase as i would just pay extra next time for a material band instead of these"

digging in and rolling

"i used them around the legs they kept digging in and rolling up and just didn’t stay in place"

slides off each other

"i can take two or three lighter bands togheter and have a heavier load this way but they won't stick together in one line but just slides off each other which is also not the perfect solution for effective training"

started to break

"moreover after just 2 minutes of mild use the light blue band has started to break"

same and rubbish

"i have tried using medium and heavy and both the same and rubbish"

they are unusable

"its a shame because the quality for the price paid looks alright and they are pretty easy to use but they are unusable"

limited use sadly

"however from the limited use sadly the green and blue bands became sticky and lost their “resistance”"

will do nothing for

"if you are used to working out regularly or are an athlete then these elastic bands will do nothing for you"

sliding down

"i would be very grateful if anyone has got any tips or suggestions on how i can stop the band from sliding down my legs and rolling up whilst doing a work out with them"

small female

"perhaps it depends on what you want them for but they were no good for me small female"

which is painful

"these heavy and x heavy bands surface pinch my skin and hair at every stretch which is painful and annoying"

tables chairs

"i was expecting something longer that i could fix to tables chairs etc"

offer too short

"wish these had of been longer as not achieve able to do everything a band should offer too short"

after it is dirty

"after it is dirty you can wipe it with a wet paper towel"

which was annoying

"there was no description on the length of the bands which was annoying"

not last long

"i have had other brands in the past that was similar price unfortunately they did not last long and have an awful rubber smell that lingered on your clothes and gym bag but i was pleasantly surprised that these are the complete opposite"

pretty rubbish

"yeah these are pretty rubbish"

stay flat on my legs

"first time using one it kept curling up it would not stay flat on my legs i would fix it flat and as soon as started exercising again would curl up like a very tight elastic band around your legs ouch it hurt"

throw them away

"i want a refund as i’ve had to throw them away!"

difficult to be carried

"the others are quite slippery and it makes some exercices slightly difficult to be carried on"

short for many exercises

"i'm sure they do have some uses but they are too short for many exercises if you're tall"

deformed lost strength

"in a 4 week period where it has been used constantly product has not deformed lost strength or had writting markings fade"

short to do anything

"too short to do anything useful"

put them away

"i've been using them for about a month no issues what so ever but i do put them away and i dont leave them laying around to get damaged"

would return them

"i would return them but have lost some of the packaging"

slippery anymore

"i use it on exercices for hands and arms and i can't use them on skin anymore because of that sticky feeling making it not slippery anymore"

bruise on her shoulder

"this yellow band eventually snapped and injured my wife with a bruise on her shoulder"

frustrating mid exercise

"i'm a beginner to all this exercise stuff bought these they were okay for a few weeks but now they roll up a lot when i use them and it can be so frustrating mid exercise to have to stop and readjust them"

ouch it hurt

"first time using one it kept curling up it would not stay flat on my legs i would fix it flat and as soon as started exercising again would curl up like a very tight elastic band around your legs ouch it hurt"

have n't had these long

"i haven’t had these long"

just disappointed by

"but this im not even upset just disappointed by it"

your bare skin

"there isn’t that super chemically rubber smell that you sometimes get with things like this and as well i’ve found that they don’t like pull at your skin even when they’re on your bare skin"

them drying

"what i find confusing is that the instructions say to keep them in a plastic bag presumably to stop them drying out and becoming brittle so why not give some sort of a plastic zip lock pouch instead of the string one?"

just annoying

"they are really good it’s just annoying if you have chubby legs because they kind of roll but you just have to make it flat"

have a problem

"i have to say you wont be able to stretch them without rolling as the pictures here shows but if you find the right way how to use them you wont have a problem"

before purchasing

"i wish i'd read the one star reviews of this product before purchasing because those reviews are spot on"

very frustrating

"very frustrating!"

instead of 5 stars

"i consider this a dangerous possibility and therefore have rated 3 instead of 5 stars"

only 5ft 4ins

"my partner is only 5ft 4ins and the bands failed her with full extension also"

compared to the red band

"as you can see from the image the yellow band hasn’t been evenly cut as compared to the red band"

alot of effort

"the medium band snappped with not alot of effort on my 4th use and the light band snapped the day after"

stupid idea

"don't recommend recommend this seller and the product is in general stupid idea"

very disappointed in both products

"very disappointed only had these a few days and it snapped i will be getting a refund"

wasted money in both products

"not happy with this product and won't be buying this again as its wasted money"

more expensive in both products

"tested against a more expensive set from a reliable source"

them useless in both products

"bought these to try to strengthen my legs ankle strap is velctro which slowly comes undone as soon as you do your first rep making them useless for any leg exercises"

waste your money in both products

"don't waste your money on these bands 30 pound band snapped after only the 5th use"

poor quality in both products

"felt poor quality as if the seller had way over priced it"

would not recommend in both products

"would not recommend"

very small in both products

"but with some advantages: only take moments to set up and to change level of resistance between different exercises packs away into a very small bag costs a fraction of the outlay for proper weights"

absolute waste

"an absolute waste of money"

disappointed seams

"i'm disappointed seams like you cannot find a genuine product on the market anymore"

totally inaccurate

"the resistance levels promised where totally inaccurate so i sent them straight back"

throwing it away

"hugely disappointed feels unsafe to use and so will not be using this product but throwing it away"

really annoying

"really annoying otherwise it would have been 5 stars"

incredibly poor

"incredibly poor quality and do not offer the advertised resistance"

awful product

"an awful product"

disappointed feels

"hugely disappointed feels unsafe to use and so will not be using this product but throwing it away"

shocking product

"shocking product"

genuine waste

"they don't stretch nearly far enough genuine waste of money much better out there"

terrible customer service

"terrible purchase terrible customer service do not buy"

absolutely useless

"ankle straps absolutely useless velcro does not work and comes apart damaging door with metal clips when weight retracts"

very difficult

"the band ends don't have a metal ring and since the clips are so small it is very difficult and fiddly to clip the end of the band because there's not enough space to keep the clip open and also insert the band end which gets stuck in the clip teeth"

risky low quality

"i have been with amazon prime since but this products it’s a risky low quality and should not in the market"

very dangerous

"very dangerous as material came apart so ball came off and elastics sprung into the room and hit husband in the stomach!"

became apparent

"several reviews were positive so didnt hesitate however on delivery it quickly became apparent that the resistance advertised is not accurate"

restricted excersises

"restricted excersises i'm 5' 4" and can't do shoulder press as the bands don't stretch that far had to kneel so i did not get the full resistance needed"

arrived damaged

"really disappointed that the product arrived damaged and pictures show metal loop attachment which isn't included"

socially distanced

"arrived on time very good socially distanced delivery driver"

very dissatisfied

"i compared the quality of the product to the one i previously had damaged through my own fault and was left feeling very dissatisfied"

worst products

"one of the worst products ever"

been worse

"it's cleanly snapped in half and hit me hard on the hand it could have been worse if it had hit me in the eye!"

shameless intermediary

"shameless intermediary"

arrived bang

"arrived bang on time"

returning the goods

"will be returning the goods not value for money"

cause injury

"i’m not confident that at some point in its use either the karabiners or bands would fail and cause injury"

storage cupboard

"the fact they fold into the small carry bag means they fit into a storage cupboard with no problems at all"

looks fake

"in addition the paperwork given looks fake and as if it has been created on microsoft word"

replacement issued

"cannot contact seller directly to return single band and get replacement issued"

slightly disappointing

"slightly disappointing"

pretty useless

"but the ankle straps are pretty useless as the velcro is really weak luckily i have different weights for lower body workouts otherwise i would of returned"

really dangerous

"not only does this risk cutting through the loops on tubes or the tubes themselves putting them on is really dangerous for your fingers"

very low quality

"very low quality"

handle issue

"rest of the product seemed fine but not able to use due to the handle issue"

very wrong

"the resistance weight measurements are very wrong resistance is far lower than stated"

damaging door

"ankle straps absolutely useless velcro does not work and comes apart damaging door with metal clips when weight retracts"

some corrosion

"i also did notice some corrosion on the ones attached to the 10ibs band that was present out of the box this hasn't been an issue so far and you can take them off the tubes without too much trouble if need be for the low price it's acceptable but it is something to consider"

hernia operation

"following my hernia operation these are perfect to get back into shape the only down thing is i only received 1 door stop in the bag and looking at the photos and product it shows 2 door stops"

bent and cracked

"but i am so disappointed the handle has already bent and cracked and some sharp metal has slipped out of place which is extremely dangerous"

return these

"had to return these as one of the handles broke on the first use with just 30lbs"

some punishment

"so far none have snapped on me so far and they can certainly take some punishment provided you don't really abuse them"

will break

"lack of tensile strength and the flex in the bands means it is only a matter of when soon and not if these bands will break!"

correct resistance

"either you have to resend me the red band with the correct resistance and top quality or i have to refund the whole item"

more difficult

"i haven't tried the door anchor yet but so far it's as expected however instead of using a d ring it just has an open strap personally i'm okay with this but again the gate of the caribiner is very sharp and the caribiners aren't that large it's by no means impossible to clip a tube to it but it's just a tad bit more difficult than it needs to in my opinion"

returned these

"i returned these and got a pair of protone ones off amazon that i bought 2 years ago and lost when i moved house"

cripple kinda

"i have been in hospital for 6 months because of these used them all together and decided to catapult my self to space but about 45 mins into the journey i started decending and now im a cripple kinda"

does not work

"ankle straps absolutely useless velcro does not work and comes apart damaging door with metal clips when weight retracts"

tedious process

"setting it up is such a tedious process"

that got damaged

"i brought this product to replace an old set that got damaged"

into shape

"following my hernia operation these are perfect to get back into shape the only down thing is i only received 1 door stop in the bag and looking at the photos and product it shows 2 door stops"

correct weights

"very poor quality and not correct weights!"

expected however

"i haven't tried the door anchor yet but so far it's as expected however instead of using a d ring it just has an open strap personally i'm okay with this but again the gate of the caribiner is very sharp and the caribiners aren't that large it's by no means impossible to clip a tube to it but it's just a tad bit more difficult than it needs to in my opinion"

over lockdown

"quality the rubber bands are thick enough that you don't feel like they will snap on you they can take quite a good amount of force and i used them over lockdown and still do for any home workouts you can really do a lot with them"

extremely dangerous

"but i am so disappointed the handle has already bent and cracked and some sharp metal has slipped out of place which is extremely dangerous"

multiple adaptions

"stretch ability is poor and the attachments are far too small for multiple adaptions"

item unuseable

"item unuseable"

much trouble

"i also did notice some corrosion on the ones attached to the 10ibs band that was present out of the box this hasn't been an issue so far and you can take them off the tubes without too much trouble if need be for the low price it's acceptable but it is something to consider"

faulty not sewn

"hand grip faulty not sewn"

were too long

"the bands were too long to get much resistance on"

heavy weights

"no need for heavy weights that clutter up your space"

hard earned money

"i would avoid and spend your hard earned money on another one"

could hardly

"the instructions were so small on an a5 sheet i could hardly read them"

no larger carabiners

"the carabiners were so small i had trouble getting the thick black bands on and there was no larger carabiners to put the smaller carabiners into to tie them all together for more resistance like in the advertised picture"

failed after 5 workouts

"one of the door anchors failed after 5 workouts"

cheap plastic

"cheap plastic"

mixed mind

"they will do the job don’t know why i wasn’t wowed but of a mixed mind"

practically unusable

"each band feels the same to get any sort of resistance off the bands you have to be that far away from the door anchor that the band is so ridiculously stretched it’s practically unusable"

small and faint

"the diagrams are small and faint"

n't even vaguely equal

"sadly with this set the bands aren't even vaguely equal in length"

very poor quality

"these resistsnce bands are very poor quality"

return date

"looked good on the ads and everything started well and a day after return date had passed 1 of the bands has snapped"

very flimsy i

"the bands themselves feel as though they are going to snap if you stretch them too far and also the snap clips that come included with the product look very flimsy i am going to buy my own clips to ensure my safety"

stretch forever

"these bands seem to stretch forever and therefore their resistance isn't great"

sure enough

"item is ok does job but before you buy make sure enough gap in door overwise item wont work"

some damage to the door

"the door stop also causes some damage to the door with heavy weights"

fell apart

"didn't even get chance to test them as one of the handles wasn't stitched and as such fell apart in my hands"

ankle straps are useless

"the ankle straps are useless"

load of crap

"load of crap!"

have small burrs

"some of the clips have small burrs in them so i caught a thread on a jumper which pulled when i tried them"

no real resistance

"no real resistance even when using all the bands together"

your model is so thin

"your model is so thin and it brakes straight away"

feels weird

"the rubber itself is hollow and feels weird"

poor product design

"poor product design not worth 30 pounds"

bands split

"i had the bands split between both anchors to minimize the load"

issue is an overstatement

"this issue though is incredibly minor and even referring to it as an issue is an overstatement"

safe and returning

"definitely not safe and returning it"

will be returning

"maybe i’ve missed something but not what i was hoping for will be returning"

pictures are blurry

"the product also comes with a guid on how to use the bands but the pictures are blurry and the paper it is printed on is not big enough so you can’t see the entire image due to it being cut off"

n't exercised in ages

"really working out parts of my body i don’t exercised in ages!"

resistance belt training

"i think the effect of resistance belt training is enough for the person who keeps fit for less than 3 years and it can enhance the stability"

does n't feel like

"it says the resistance weight is "x" but it honestly doesn't feel like it"

other remains slack

"so when two are attached to the handles only one band offers resistance whilst the other remains slack"

second uk lockdown

"bought these for the second uk lockdown"

small problem

"however the product delivered has a small problem the 10 lbs band has no attachment clips"

completely wrong

"weights listed for resistance are completely wrong not even close"

item returned

"item returned!"

unusable pretty much

"wish it made it more clear on the description so they’re unusable pretty much"

bands dont

"the bands dont allow me to fully extend my arms for chest fly workouts i'm 6ft so can only workout half for this workout"

missing this

"one of the band attachments carabiner is missing this makes it difficult to quickly change one band"

sewn the wrong

"one of the ankle straps saw is sewn the wrong way and it will not stick so cannot be used"

item wont work

"item is ok does job but before you buy make sure enough gap in door overwise item wont work"

little work

"weight just to do a little work out"

basically useless

"the only use for these is as individual bands but then you have the inconvenience of moving the handles between bands all the time so basically useless"

not stay in place

"the ankle attachments for the bands do not stay in place"

will not stick

"one of the ankle straps saw is sewn the wrong way and it will not stick so cannot be used"

not what is pictured

"what i received is not what is pictured"

ball came off

"very dangerous as material came apart so ball came off and elastics sprung into the room and hit husband in the stomach!"

getting a bad report

"the product looks gd but they sent me 4 door ankle and no ankle straps thats why it getting a bad report but the item do work good"

very disappointing

"very disappointing"

no instruction manual

"delivery and product was great but no instruction manual"

ends is not aligned

"the stitching on the band ends is not aligned you can see it's a cheap china product"

poor quality bands

"i will need my full refund for this poor quality bands!"

does not do want

"the resistance bands are far too long and does not do want is required of them cause of that"

which is n't included

"really disappointed that the product arrived damaged and pictures show metal loop attachment which isn't included"

n't really abuse them

"so far none have snapped on me so far and they can certainly take some punishment provided you don't really abuse them"

becomes loose after one

"ankle straps does not work and becomes loose after one rep"

difficult to attach them

"it is still useable but it makes it a little more difficult to attach them"

received 1 door stop

"following my hernia operation these are perfect to get back into shape the only down thing is i only received 1 door stop in the bag and looking at the photos and product it shows 2 door stops"

should not in the market

"i have been with amazon prime since but this products it’s a risky low quality and should not in the market"

only a 30 lb load

"the door anchor broke after using for 5 minutes with only a 30lb load on it and it hurt bad!"

no attachment clips

"however the product delivered has a small problem the 10 lbs band has no attachment clips"

flimsy rubber band

"they stretched like a flimsy rubber band hardly any resistance even on the strongest band"

bands very poor

"i find the resistance on the bands very poor and far too easy even with all the bands on it looks ok but overall not a great workout with them"

instruction sheet is poor

"the instruction sheet is poor"

never been so easy

"my workout at home never been so easy"

missing the door anchors

"missing the door anchors"

need to experiment

"it may be that i am too used to free weights and need to experiment more with the tensions and it's not the product at all"

little too thick

"i use the thing that stops the bands coming thru the door and slapping you one in the back at the top of my door as the material is little too thick for my door to close"

weight retracts

"ankle straps absolutely useless velcro does not work and comes apart damaging door with metal clips when weight retracts"

simply put its a scam

"simply put its a scam"

n't feel the pressure

"not thick enough don't feel the pressure"

less than 3 years

"i think the effect of resistance belt training is enough for the person who keeps fit for less than 3 years and it can enhance the stability"

10 like required

"only received 9 of the hooks not 10 like required"

feeling not strong

"but new person sends force feeling not strong"

missing a key item

"the package came on time but was missing a key item"

lower than stated

"the resistance weight measurements are very wrong resistance is far lower than stated"

attached photo

"this can be seen in the attached photo"

movement is unsteady

"movement is unsteady"

it's terrible

"this is the "resistance profile" it's terrible"

rating of 1 star

"i've put a rating of 1 star simply because it's too early for me to rate them"

hesitate however

"several reviews were positive so didnt hesitate however on delivery it quickly became apparent that the resistance advertised is not accurate"

waste of time

"what a waste of time"

suitcase scale

"stretching the 50lb to near full off a door yeilded 10lbs on my suitcase scale"

packs away small

"the bands packs away small so you can take them anywhere ideal if you work away"

missing the ankle straps

"missing the ankle straps !"

same carabiner

"specially when you grab both handles on the same carabiner"

same supplier

"the product was ordered from the same supplier twice and the bands had different weights on each set so had to send them back because could not use them at the same time"

packed wrong

"the photo suggests there were two of each so maybe mine was simply packed wrong ?"

worst mis labelled

"by no means are these labelled correctly or at worst mis labelled"

thin in resistance bands

"so too thin in resistance bands"

were too high move

"the pounds i bought before were too high move so i chose the right one this time"

Compare Pros

excellent product in both products

"excellent product and great having the different strengths"

quite good in both products

"bought for the family to do some extra exercise these are quite good"

highly recommend in both products

"would highly recommend!"

really good in both products

"they arrived on time are of really good quality and come with a really nice size small bag to keep them in"

highly recommended in both products

"great quality highly recommended!"

versatile and great in both products

"bands are versatile and great for building strength and working muscles that you don't use"

great addition in both products

"a great addition for anyone who wants to equipment that is portable and hardly takes up any space"

works well in both products

"the product works well and was happy to use it during lockdown however i wondered if i really got my moneys worth"

good price in both products

"great quality good price arrived quickly"

great price in both products

"great price and so far a great product"

great value in both products

"great value for money"

really well in both products

"they are colour coded really well and offer excellent resistance across all the bands"

great workout in both products

"and best part you can take with you anywhere for a great workout"

very quickly in both products

"really good value and arrived very quickly"

very quick in both products

"delivery was very quick"

very durable in both products

"very durable and a great range of resistance"

excellent value in both products

"excellent value for money"

pretty good in both products

"i bought these to help with an injury and they're pretty good"

very useful in both products

"very useful range of resistances and a quick trip to youtube will reveal several exercise sets"

very versatile in both products

"the fact it is a set of bands makes it very versatile to use higher resistance for lower body workouts and lighter for upper body"

good value in both products

"overall can recommend fairly cheap good value"

quality product in both products

"a good price for a good quality product"

really nice in both products

"they arrived on time are of really good quality and come with a really nice size small bag to keep them in"

great bands in both products

"these are great bands"

very handy in both products

"which is very handy!"

very happy in both products

"very happy with these they come in 5 strength levels which is easily identifiable by the colour and clear wording these bands come in a handy pouch for storage and travel"

great variety in both products

"great variety of strengths"

recommend especially in both products

"highly recommend especially at the price"

good product in both products

"good product for strength training"

fantastic product in both products

"fantastic product was not expecting such a high quality for this price"

good quality in both products

"the bands are looped and after a wee's use appear to be of good quality"

very impressed in both products

"very impressed and would definitely recommend especially if you don’t have room in your hone for weights etc"

even better in both products

"could not recommend these enough such a great purchase and even better when considering the price!"

loves them in both products

"he loves them too!"

well packed in both products

"arived in time well packed and you also get a tiny bag to store them nice and they are quite alright"

definitely recommend in both products

"definitely recommend"

would recommend in both products

"i would recommend!"

great piece in both products

"great piece of kit as can be used in many ways the only downside is they will eventually split as they stretch but they must be good for me as on second set shame they don’t sell them individually as the lower strength bands i have hardly used"

brilliant piece

"brilliant piece of equipment"

very pleased

"overall very pleased"

impressive results

"while they won't give you the same level of burn as weights and dumbells at the gym i'm still able to do a complete workout and see impressive results"

good strength

"they have a good strength and 100% worth the money"

brilliant product

"brilliant product i love the many variations of the band's"

added resistance

"they are comfortable and do they job of exercising with the added resistance wonderfully"

quite effective

"the pamphlet provides a variety of exercise designed to give a work out regime to start with and proves to be quite effective"

lovely note

"the package was so lovely with a lovely note inside"

well marked

"each band is a different resistance is well marked"

nice storage case

"well packaged and bands come in a nice storage case"

real bargain

"a real bargain"

nice thickness

"they’re a nice material very durable and a nice thickness it’s not too thick so it doesn’t hurt"

yoga master

"i am now yoga master those bands are perfect for stretching"

really fast

"really fast delivery email from seller to ensure received"

arena strength

"i have bought some others from arena strength that are much longer much better quality and much more expensive"

really loved

"i was really pleased with this product i bought it as a present for my husband’s birthday and he really loved it"

more interesting and

"i really like this cause it makes my workout routine more interesting and fun"

looked appealing

"i brought these to do some homework outs with and they looked appealing as they come with 5 levels"

mainly small

"the bands are perfect for such use involving mainly small precise movement of the limbs"

just clean

"everything arrived in good time well individually packaged i thought at first that they were too short but once i used them they were perfect no smell just clean"

very good yoga

"very good yoga mat just like the picture"

very satisfied

"very satisfied!"

pretty genuine

"company seems pretty genuine as well comes with a little booklet with recommended exercises you can do with each band"

nice material

"they’re a nice material very durable and a nice thickness it’s not too thick so it doesn’t hurt"

quality durable

"good quality durable and the right sizes for the types of exercises i need to do"

where perfect for

"i'm some what strong not a body builder or anything but the heavy and x heavy where perfect for me!"

good and great

"good and great quality good price arrived quickly"

cute and so good

"much smaller than i expected i know i could've looked at the dimensions but i totally overlooked it but it is so cute and so good at its job!"

nice and bright

"the colours of the bands are nice and bright making it quick to see which band is which during a workout"

good and well

"they're very good and well priced too"

these are great

"these are great!"

really happy

"in december of last year i decided to start going the gym for the first time to build some upper body muscle and i was really happy with the results until the gym's closed due to lockdown"

great 👍🏼

"i use them for training purposes and they are great 👍🏼"

well individually

"everything arrived in good time well individually packaged i thought at first that they were too short but once i used them they were perfect no smell just clean"

absolutely indispensable

"given the versatility the cheap cost and the ease of use these resistance bands offer a solid gym alternative making these resistance bands absolutely indispensable"

nice addition

"a nice addition to your leg glute workouts"

fits easily

"the kits small size is great as i tavel for work and it fits easily in just my laptop bag meaning i can take this workout aid with me anywhere"

more inspiration

"i found tonnes more inspiration for workout plans using bands on instagram"

handy mesh

"come with a handy mesh drawstring bag"

ordering these

"i did started with light but since i've started working out few weeks before ordering these the lightest one didn't gave me enough resistance so i switched to medium"

handy guide

"it also has a handy guide inside of all the exercises you can try with the bands along with recommendations about which band to use for which type of exercise"

very sturdy

"bands are very sturdy and they do not hurt my legs"

useful addition

"i bought these to try and build up some strength in my arms following a shoulder injury on the suggestion of my personal trainer and the bands themselves seem fine but a lot of the exercises i've been given need to be anchored on a door so having a door anchor would naturally have been a useful addition to the set"

suitable exercises

"come with a mesh bag which holds the five bands comfortably and a little leaflet suggesting suitable exercises with the bands"

sturdy enough

"time will tell as to how long lasting they are but they seem sturdy enough"

speedy delivery

"speedy delivery"

remarkably quickly

"delivered remarkably quickly after order"

handy pouch

"very happy with these they come in 5 strength levels which is easily identifiable by the colour and clear wording these bands come in a handy pouch for storage and travel"

helpful button

"if you find this review helpful please click helpful button below and follow me for more reviews"

some versatility

"adds some versatility to my regimen"

well presented

"very well packed well presented"

fast delivery

"quality bands with fast delivery"

exercise perfect

"currently needed these for physio exercise perfect!"

good reviews

"i wasn’t very happy when product arrived but i kept it to give it a go as many good reviews"

strengths colour

"versatility durable easy to use different strengths colour coded use anywhere"

more active

"if your just trying to get a bit more active this is fine but for actual workouts i’d recommend the resistance bands that you can pull separately and that are much longer"

good alternative

"it’s a good alternative to going to the gym though i would also recommend the longer bands if you are seriously into strength training"

care guide

"haven’t used them enough to know if they roll or how durable they will be but they do have a recommended care guide which would prolong life if followed"

would happily

"amazing value for money would happily recommend!"

nice condition

"they’re in good quality and nice condition when they arrive!"

recommended these

"fantastic quality for the price i have recommended these to a few friends who i’m told are equally pleased with their purchase"

enough quality

"other than thr fact they roll all the time they are ok as a first set of bands and are decent enough quality for the price of them considering you get 5 in a bag with a nice bag to keep them safe in"

recommend these

"highly recommend these!"

incredibly versatile

"with these bands you're able do bicep tricep back and shoulder workouts they're incredibly versatile"

durable product

"good strong durable product"

extra light

"great set of bands ranging from extra light to extra heavy so suitable for all levels and great for different exercises on different parts of the body"

nice letter

"a nice touch a nice letter from the company"

very comfortable

"absolutely love these bands been the best purchase for me off amazon they do not irritate the skin like most do i find them very comfortable and really durable to be honest i cannot fault them"

really durable

"they feel really durable rubber for such a low price"

nice colours

"nice colours"

were perfect

"everything arrived in good time well individually packaged i thought at first that they were too short but once i used them they were perfect no smell just clean"

many languages

"the instruction booklet is in many languages with self explanatory pictures"

nicely packed

"arrived quickly nicely packed "

necessary info

"it com in this lovely little box every band packed separately you get full manual with all necessary info and as a lovely plus"

pretty easy

"im a pretty easy going guy if something works but i don’t get on with it i'll still rate it as functional for its intended purpose"

mini bands

"just be mindful that these are actually mini bands and may be shorter than you expect"

some simple exercises

"i bought these for my wife who does not go to the gym and prefers to do some simple exercises at home"

seen positive results

"great resistance and ive seen positive results"

lovely colours

"i loved them as i'm a big person didnt think it would stretch and hold me but they do easy to differenciate by the lovely colours would reccomend defo buy another lot for my husband who wants some"

fantastic products

"fantastic products!"

muscle strengths

"5 different resistance levels make them very useful for different muscle strengths"

timely fashion

"arrived in a timely fashion and packaged in a box including the five bands of varying resistance and multi lingual instruction pamphlet and a storage back"

surprisingly useful

"surprisingly useful!"

very helpful

"then can sit and watch netflix while toning up and stretching very helpful good quality too"

mini guide

"i'm well pleased so far just need to research a wider spread of exercises to make best use possible of the bands the mini guide provided only has a handful of suggestions i'm sure there are lots more "

very convenient

"inside the box there’s also a black little bag thats included so its very convenient because i now have a little place to store all my bands!"

amazing value

"amazing value for money would happily recommend!"

high quality

"fantastic product was not expecting such a high quality for this price"

your workouts

"can't recommend highly enough to improve your workouts"

lovely welt

"red band snapped on 1st set of bicep reps left a lovely welt on hubby's face"

overall good

"overall good value for money"

working well

"working well so far"

good effect

"i have used longer bands to good effect and i am finding the small bands to be just as good"

handy for holidays

"very handy for holidays travel trips etc"

fabulous value

"fabulous value"

mini pouch

"a mini booklet comes with it which has different exercises that you can do with the bands which i found very helpful and a mini pouch to keep your bands safe!"

very portable

"the most useful thing about these is that firstly they are very portable and take no space to store and can provide a wide range of exercises in a range of directions which weights alone don't"

really liked

"really liked this product"

assisted pull

"so i move onto my first exercise assisted pull ups with the band i used a yellow one as i knew it will be stretching a a lot so i knew to use the most stretchable one i put 3 reps in and think to myself oh this is great in weeks my pull ups will be great and boom"

perfect package

"perfect package for anyone great quality also"

around stuff

"also the exercises on youtube etc show different resistance bands that you can tie around stuff etc"

pretty strong

"the 'heaviest' band is actually pretty strong and requires quite a bit of force which is good because it means the bands give quite a big range of resistances"

definite positive

"they processed the refund very quickly so that’s a definite positive!"

very fast delivery

"very fast delivery"

easily identifiable

"very happy with these they come in 5 strength levels which is easily identifiable by the colour and clear wording these bands come in a handy pouch for storage and travel"

wise grips

"straps them selves are perfect in all ways strength wise grips really well only problem i found for me was the short length and i had to cut them to match my need"

right sizes

"good quality durable and the right sizes for the types of exercises i need to do"

different strength levels

"the quality is good and i use all the different strength levels for different exercises"

best purchase

"absolutely love these bands been the best purchase for me off amazon they do not irritate the skin like most do i find them very comfortable and really durable to be honest i cannot fault them"

most useful

"the most useful thing about these is that firstly they are very portable and take no space to store and can provide a wide range of exercises in a range of directions which weights alone don't"

five choices

"you get five choices of how tough you want the resistance to be"

strong material

"i would recommend: pro: come with a storage bag strong material great having the different levels exactly what i needed cons: not wide enough for using for ballet feet stretches stretching achilles’ tendon as keep falling off foot!"

handy hint

"this product is well made the instructions are a handy hint to using them "

good quality bands

"great pack of good quality bands"

extremely versatile

"great resistance training extremely versatile"

quality colour

"the bands are good quality colour coded going from x light to x heavy i love the little bag they come in too my only issue is they are a little small and for some things you really need to stretch them out making the movement harder than you need even with the lightest band good for keg work but no so much for upper body"

perfectly sized

"it came with a perfectly sized pouch so i don't need to worry about them going missing"

afford weights

"great for beginners those who don’t have access to gym equipment can’t afford weights or dumbbells however i have found them to slip down my thighs quite a bit or roll up on my gym leggings when i am in the middle of a workout"

resistance and multi

"arrived in a timely fashion and packaged in a box including the five bands of varying resistance and multi lingual instruction pamphlet and a storage back"

lovely package

"excellent product only just got them and the quality is amazing lovely package and with a carry bag and exercise leaflet highly recommend"

lower resistant

"also the lower resistant ones are very thin and not much use"

perfectly good

"however this is a perfectly good size for pulling say 1 arms length to body"

strong and sturdy

"it seems strong and sturdy so it may last me awhile"

would naturally

"i bought these to try and build up some strength in my arms following a shoulder injury on the suggestion of my personal trainer and the bands themselves seem fine but a lot of the exercises i've been given need to be anchored on a door so having a door anchor would naturally have been a useful addition to the set"

needed cons

"i would recommend: pro: come with a storage bag strong material great having the different levels exactly what i needed cons: not wide enough for using for ballet feet stretches stretching achilles’ tendon as keep falling off foot!"

proper workout

"very versatile and give you a proper workout"

indoor exercise

"during the lockdown i was looking for the alternative indoor exercise"

nice surprise

"they come with a useful little carry bag which was a nice surprise!"

quite alright

"arived in time well packed and you also get a tiny bag to store them nice and they are quite alright"

strong comfortable

"needed something compact but also strong comfortable and as described"

being colour

"the level of resistance is marked on the bands as well as them being colour coded"

with me anywhere

"the kits small size is great as i tavel for work and it fits easily in just my laptop bag meaning i can take this workout aid with me anywhere"

handy and good

"the carry bag is handy and good quality the bands are clearly marked with levels of resistance and appear well made with latex rather than rubber so will hopefully not perish"

tube videos

"it is best you look up some you tube videos to see the best exercises possible with this product"

sturdy and good

"bought these as been doing exercises on my lunch at home and needed some bands to assist fast delivery and they seem great quality sturdy and good range of resistance also comes with a handy carry bag for them which was a nice surprise!"

found useful

"it comes with some suggested exercises which i found useful and a little pouch to store them in"

yoga workouts

"bought to use during my yoga workouts"

glute workouts

"a nice addition to your leg glute workouts"

quick guide

"easy to use but comes with a quick guide if you don’t know where to start"

best exercises

"it is best you look up some you tube videos to see the best exercises possible with this product"

real bonus

"the carry case is a real bonus so i won't lose them"

strongest band

"even that with some exercises the strongest band didn't provide the resistance i was looking for"

very suitable

"it is very suitable for playing mobile phones while exercising"

delivery was fast

"the delivery was fast and the product was quality"

good selection

"these bands are ok overall good selection of different resistance levels for the money"

confidence inspiring

"branding was clean and confidence inspiring"

much appreciated

"much appreciated"

fairly cheap

"overall can recommend fairly cheap good value"

strength levels

"very happy with these they come in 5 strength levels which is easily identifiable by the colour and clear wording these bands come in a handy pouch for storage and travel"

during workouts

"each band definately feels different in strength which is super useful during workouts and i'm able to work out different areas of my body using different levels of resistance"

quality item

"excellent quality item that is durable and super versatile"

strong enough

"however the difference in strength between the bands is too great meaning that the heavy band is not strong enough and the x heavy band is too strong"

different strength band

"different strength band for different difficulties"

beach body

"i got these for beach body on demand"

some strength

"i bought these to try and build up some strength in my arms following a shoulder injury on the suggestion of my personal trainer and the bands themselves seem fine but a lot of the exercises i've been given need to be anchored on a door so having a door anchor would naturally have been a useful addition to the set"

more popular

"good for multiple different full body exercises as well as more popular glute exercises"

zoom workout

"i purchased these as a gift for a friend so she could join me doing a zoom workout"

robust and good

"they seem very robust and good quality"

extremely useful

"i also found the carrying bag that accompanied the bands to be extremely useful"

held up beautifully

"these are by far the best bands i've used in regards to durability normally i break bands very quickly due to the high volume of use they get but these have held up beautifully!"

carry case

"the bands come in a carry case each held by similar coloured elastic bands nice touch!"

recommend thicker bands

"i'd probably recommend thicker bands for comfort though"

other sources

"you can find plenty exercise ideas on pinterest or other sources"

useful little

"they come with a useful little carry bag which was a nice surprise!"

recommend even

"i really strongly recommend even for beginners"

excellent product in both products

"excellent product only downside was being strapped to my bedroom door and lying on the floor when a massive spider ran at me"

quite good in both products

"this product is quite good value and seems well manufactured"

really good in both products

"it's really good"

versatile and great in both products

"use them everyday so versatile and great use for all muscle groups would recommend!"

great addition in both products

"the carry bag is a great addition for storing the kit away"

works well in both products

"but works well for the bottom bit"

good price in both products

"good price for plenty of items"

great price in both products

"great price well happy with this purchase"

very handy in both products

"very handy"

great value in both products

"great value for money in this kit"

really well in both products

"really well made you can tell this is decent quality maybe slightly expensive although you get what you pay for so i'm happy"

very quickly in both products

"the elastic stretches out very quickly resulting imbalance of performance!"

very durable in both products

"good value for money and very durable"

excellent value in both products

"excellent value for money"

pretty good in both products

"i started using this product and it’s pretty good"

very useful in both products

"it comes will all the gadgets needed to take the full advantage of using the product door and ankle straps as well as a very useful guide with dozens of recommended exercises per muscle group"

very versatile in both products

"they fit really easily over and under door frames which make them very versatile"

good value in both products

"good value for money"

quality product in both products

"i recommend spending more money and getting a quality product"

really nice in both products

"seems like a really nice set"

great bands in both products

"great bands and look and feel very strong but there were items missing"

very happy in both products

"very happy and super usefull"

great variety in both products

"nice and compact kit with a great variety of weights resistance for a range of exercises"

recommend especially in both products

"would recommend especially with the deal price"

good product in both products

"good product this one better than others as comes with 2 door stops"

fantastic product in both products

"fantastic product!"

good quality in both products

"they are well made strong and good quality"

very impressed in both products

"very impressed!"

even better in both products

"great item even better customer service"

loves them in both products

"these were purchased for my 76 year old father who is very fit for his age with covid been evident still he got these to exercise in the house he loves them gives him resistance when doing certain exercises well worth the money good quality quick delivery"

well packed in both products

"packaging arrived in perfect condiciton well packed and arrived on time"

definitely recommend in both products

"definitely recommend"

highly recommended in both products

"i've used similar before which are not as good highly recommended"

would recommend in both products

"use them everyday so versatile and great use for all muscle groups would recommend!"

great piece in both products

"great piece of equipment"

amazing lots

"this was amazing lots of ways to use this product"

simply amazing

"amazing simply amazing"

excellent work

"excellent work out"

amazing quality

"just came today haven't tried them out yet but amazing quality haven't caused a tear when i've stretched them"

good piece

"good piece of equipment value for money!"

weight resistance

"good product but very fiddley alot of taking bands of and on decent value for money but i did have to attach all the bands just to get a decent weight resistance for bicep curls but i feel if ur using for general toning and fitness it a good product and it come with some very usefull attachments make it very versatile its compact and lightweight aswell"

amazing product

"amazing product"

absute bargain

"strong easy to use absute bargain comes with everything you need"

good experience

"both times i have had a good experience"

secure fixings

"well made and a good grade of thick latex tubing with secure fixings"

strong and very good

"thick strong and very good for exercise at home"

good grade

"well made and a good grade of thick latex tubing with secure fixings"

amazing customer service

"very good set and diagrams for people like me who don't have a clue all in all great kit definitely would recommend amazing customer service as well can't fault them very responsive as i lost instructions and emailed me within the hr amazing service thank you"

good variance

"door stop fits well under closed door and good variance in the different bands"

professional and great

"very professional and great service!"

fairly good

"the product is fairly good for overall fitness if u want to work out 20 quid easy to spend money on this"

great grip

"the handles give great grip when i start sweating"

works nicely

"all pieces were present in the bag door anchor works nicely"

decent quality

"really well made you can tell this is decent quality maybe slightly expensive although you get what you pay for so i'm happy"

good points

"you do need some good points to anchor the bands and a bit of room as the bands need to be stretched for a distance to get the resistance"

love these

"love these!"

decent stretch

"decent stretch and a great range of weights"

seems well

"this product is quite good value and seems well manufactured"

decent product

"fairly decent product used for a couple of weeks and one of the handles has broken already still works but i have to turn it around so the band isn't pulling on the handle"

begin with

"good quality bit tough to stretch to begin with but they loosened up and are easy to secure to the door from top side and bottom allowing a good range of exercises"

decent price

"good quality with a decent price"

were great

"i order 1 set of these and they were great so decided to order another so i could increase the weight more"

nice alternative

"nice alternative for weights"

better products

"there are better products available for less"

higher resistance bands

"the higher resistance bands are still okay but given the quality of the other bands i’m not expecting them to last long"

really quickly

"so i messaged the seller and the responded really quickly and sent a new one out!"

higher price

"i'm sure there are better sets out there but it will be for a higher price maybe even substantially so"

fairly well

"otherwise they seem fairly well made and allow for a number of different exercises"

full advantage

"it comes will all the gadgets needed to take the full advantage of using the product door and ankle straps as well as a very useful guide with dozens of recommended exercises per muscle group"

various workouts

"the included instructions are informative but there's a world of information and various workouts on the web that can help take things to another level and give structure"

extra component

"favour this set over some others mostly due to the tubes both being labelled with lbs and kgs on the ends plus an extra component that comes with these tubes that other sets don't normally have the second anchor "

seem great

"used a couple of times now seem great"

positive reviews

"i was so looking forward to receiving this set especially after reading all the positive reviews from previous buyers with an avg rating of 4"

good choice

"they have good clear markings and a good choice of vibrant colour schemes"

really versatile

"really versatile and even safe for kids to play with"

just perfect

"just perfect"

really convenient

"really convenient option for weight baring exercises"

very respectable

"i have had absolutely no issues and for the price the quality is very decent and definitely to a very respectable level"

nice and easy

"very strong elastic nice and easy to use just as good as weights but better because your more mobile with these value for money"

great item

"great item even better customer service"

worth & works

"worth & works"

very usefull

"good product but very fiddley alot of taking bands of and on decent value for money but i did have to attach all the bands just to get a decent weight resistance for bicep curls but i feel if ur using for general toning and fitness it a good product and it come with some very usefull attachments make it very versatile its compact and lightweight aswell"

very responsive

"very good set and diagrams for people like me who don't have a clue all in all great kit definitely would recommend amazing customer service as well can't fault them very responsive as i lost instructions and emailed me within the hr amazing service thank you"

important stuff rest

"resulting in so much time saving for the important stuff rest and working out"

much simpler

"getting a set of bands is so much simpler than weights and takes up no room at all"

quick workout

"quick and reasonably easy to use for a quick workout"

sturdy product

"good quality sturdy product thank you"

perfectly decent

"all in all a perfectly decent set"

nice appearance

"it has a nice appearance and reasonable design suitable for all kinds of people"

good workout

"it is a super easy setup to use and i found a lot of really great workout videos online that are giving me a good workout without leaving me super sore"

strong attachments

"sceptical about the low price but they are strong attachments well built and stretch is flexible whilst also allowing ample room space"

nice & neat

"i especially like the storage bag that came with it its not like some bags that everything fit into it when it was brand new but never again everything goes back in nice & neat ready for my next workout"

amazing service

"very good set and diagrams for people like me who don't have a clue all in all great kit definitely would recommend amazing customer service as well can't fault them very responsive as i lost instructions and emailed me within the hr amazing service thank you"

sturdy bands

"good sturdy bands great to have if you can’t get to gym"

decent workout

"with a wide range of resistance levels this will give even the ardent gym freak a decent workout"

deal price

"would recommend especially with the deal price"

wonderful value

"wonderful value for money"

decent value

"good product but very fiddley alot of taking bands of and on decent value for money but i did have to attach all the bands just to get a decent weight resistance for bicep curls but i feel if ur using for general toning and fitness it a good product and it come with some very usefull attachments make it very versatile its compact and lightweight aswell"

very secure

"as for fastening they're exactly what i prefer having a simple continuous strap through the single large d ring and onto a very large area of velcro very secure very easy"

very decent

"very decent product "

gets stronger

"very good quality add more bands and the restance gets stronger"

home workouts

"great for home workouts very versatile can workout most muscle groups using them"

much better

"if that was bigger it would feel much better to grip"

well built

"sceptical about the low price but they are strong attachments well built and stretch is flexible whilst also allowing ample room space"

recommended exercises

"it comes will all the gadgets needed to take the full advantage of using the product door and ankle straps as well as a very useful guide with dozens of recommended exercises per muscle group"

order again

"great product would order again"

well happy

"great price well happy with this purchase"

proper resistance

"they are robust and have proper resistance"

great feature

"the corner protection is a great feature compared with other case"

recommend this

"would definately recommend this"

even recommended

"even recommended these to all my friends literally a gym in a bag"

these bands are wonderful

"these bands are wonderful"

very flexible

"these resistance bands come with 5 different strengths upto 50lb so very flexible for anyone stengh"

brought this

"i brought this as i need to build up strength in my legs for an operation"

bloody amazing

"bloody amazing"

feel comfortable

"fantastic for us people who don't feel comfortable going to the gym at the moment"

solid workout

"good value for what you can do combine multiple cables for some exercises and you can definitely get a solid workout in great to add tension to dumbbell movements also"

okay i suppose

"okay i suppose"

great accessory

"great accessory to complement any other equipment"

build quality

"not to mention the build quality of this case"

yourself 25 quid

"save yourself 25 quid!"

worth the money

"good quality and worth the money !"

good for lockdown

"good for lockdown"

fantastic work

"fantastic work out device"

good range

"good quality bit tough to stretch to begin with but they loosened up and are easy to secure to the door from top side and bottom allowing a good range of exercises"

very strong

"very strong elastic nice and easy to use just as good as weights but better because your more mobile with these value for money"

bicep curls

"good product but very fiddley alot of taking bands of and on decent value for money but i did have to attach all the bands just to get a decent weight resistance for bicep curls but i feel if ur using for general toning and fitness it a good product and it come with some very usefull attachments make it very versatile its compact and lightweight aswell"

worth fitbeast

"personally it might even be worth fitbeast selling them individually as a separate product as well as with the full set they're very good"

effective or very high

"now do sit ups do not require a person can get up and the price is cheap quality strong can meet my exercise needs very well very convenientput in the sitting room just right do not take a place to use at assist take exercise effect or pretty good the price is very cost effective or very high"

gives zero resistance

"the rubber gives zero resistance and certainly does not represent the weights shown on the labels"

quick delivery

"these were purchased for my 76 year old father who is very fit for his age with covid been evident still he got these to exercise in the house he loves them gives him resistance when doing certain exercises well worth the money good quality quick delivery"

link the bands

"i will be able to link the bands to the van doors and do a workout with basically no space at all which is perfect"

pleased with the bands

"so pleased with the bands"

value product

"really good value product"

very good item

"very good item"

vibrant colour schemes

"they have good clear markings and a good choice of vibrant colour schemes"

compact and lightweight

"good product but very fiddley alot of taking bands of and on decent value for money but i did have to attach all the bands just to get a decent weight resistance for bicep curls but i feel if ur using for general toning and fitness it a good product and it come with some very usefull attachments make it very versatile its compact and lightweight aswell"

pleased with purchase

"pleased with purchase"

simple continuous strap

"as for fastening they're exactly what i prefer having a simple continuous strap through the single large d ring and onto a very large area of velcro very secure very easy"

better sets

"i'm sure there are better sets out there but it will be for a higher price maybe even substantially so"

excellent videos

"i’m new to resistance band training but there are some excellent videos on youtube and these are great bands really well made"

seem durable

"the bands themselves are thick and seem durable"

really great

"it is a super easy setup to use and i found a lot of really great workout videos online that are giving me a good workout without leaving me super sore"

good set of bands

"good set of bands except i noticed that the bands are not as stretchable as previous 3 sets i've had from other brands"

works really well

"all pieces sturdy and everything works really well"

pretty sharp

"the only possible things i can think of are the carabiners these have a gate which is pretty sharp be careful if you plan on clipping them around the tubes"

money easy to

"good product for the money easy to use"

a very good

"it is a very good buy when to compare the price with other similar cases"

really easy to

"these are the first set of bands i've ever used and found them really easy to use"

recommend them

"i would definitely recommend them"

very easy to

"the quality of the product is brilliant very easy to use and you can really feel the difference once you’ve started using them!"

which is perfect

"i will be able to link the bands to the van doors and do a workout with basically no space at all which is perfect"

they run slightly

"comes with a selection of extras as well to help do different exercises cons the hand grips are a just a tad too small for my liking meaning they run slightly"

they are good

"used them for resistance exercises and they are good"

these value

"very strong elastic nice and easy to use just as good as weights but better because your more mobile with these value for money"

second lasts

"we will see how long the second lasts"

arrived as described

"the item arrived as described"

very good product

"very good product fast delivered and they reply quick on enquires"

sturdy no issues

"the handles are very good i have pretty small hands but so far i've found them comfortable without feeling flimsy or anything less than sturdy no issues as far as comfort is concerned whatsoever"

great workout sheet

"great product with great workout sheet for help how to use"

they 're very good

"personally it might even be worth fitbeast selling them individually as a separate product as well as with the full set they're very good"

increase the weight

"i order 1 set of these and they were great so decided to order another so i could increase the weight more"

super easy to

"saved a bomb buying these bands instead of weights super easy to use and store too which is a bonus and you can do them on the go"

many more possibilities

"many more possibilities with the second anchor than a set with just the one"

all great kit definitely

"very good set and diagrams for people like me who don't have a clue all in all great kit definitely would recommend amazing customer service as well can't fault them very responsive as i lost instructions and emailed me within the hr amazing service thank you"

good and work

"the products is still good and work well though!"

serves very well

"this serves very well in increasing the angle of the tubes if used in pairs spread a few inches apart or even use one at the top of a door the other the bottom giving the ability to superset biceps and triceps without having to dismantle the setup each time there is a change in exercise"

portable and easy to

"loads of different exercises portable and easy to use"

great resistance

"great bands that can give a great resistance when used together"

good clear markings

"they have good clear markings and a good choice of vibrant colour schemes"

bands work

"the bands work perfectly now"

elastic fits

"the elastic fits me well"

free weights machines

"not saying the bands easily replace free weights machines stations but there’s no reason goals can’t be reached with them"

everything you need

"strong easy to use absute bargain comes with everything you need"

best i 've used

"the ankle straps are very good too the best i've used"

good for toning

"this product was excellent really good for toning up can do all the exercises i do in the gym now at home"

workout videos online

"it is a super easy setup to use and i found a lot of really great workout videos online that are giving me a good workout without leaving me super sore"

buying something

"better off buying something a bit more expensive"

seems to be good

"quality seems to be good and there are multiple exercises you can do just with this"

love this product

"love this product!"

combine the bands

"the only reason to buy a set of bands with clip on handles rather than individual handles is the ability to combine the bands into a variety of resistances"

with free weights

"i'm 70kg and can bicep curl all the cable at once which with free weights would be ridiculous but they were £20 and will do the job for 4 weeks until gyms open again"

hard to beat

"as a home gym kit this is hard to beat"

perfect and even

"perfect and even comes with description and detailed workouts very good!"

nice and compact

"nice and compact kit with a great variety of weights resistance for a range of exercises"

recommend this product

"very happy with this purchase and i would recommend this product!"

good quality bit tough

"good quality bit tough to stretch to begin with but they loosened up and are easy to secure to the door from top side and bottom allowing a good range of exercises"

great service

"great service"

very good bands

"very good bands for home training"

product is good

"the product is good"

needs very well

"now do sit ups do not require a person can get up and the price is cheap quality strong can meet my exercise needs very well very convenientput in the sitting room just right do not take a place to use at assist take exercise effect or pretty good the price is very cost effective or very high"

started to love

"i bought it during the lockdown because the gyms were closed and slowly started to love it"

using it daily

"purchased for my son and he's been using it daily"

absolutely no issues

"i have had absolutely no issues and for the price the quality is very decent and definitely to a very respectable level"

selection of extras

"comes with a selection of extras as well to help do different exercises cons the hand grips are a just a tad too small for my liking meaning they run slightly"

perfect condiciton

"packaging arrived in perfect condiciton well packed and arrived on time"

easy storage

"easy storage"

arrived quickly

"arrived quickly and are good quality"

quite happy

"quite happy with it"

fantastic quality

"fantastic quality my son is very happy with his purchase"

good little home

"good little home gym the only thing i want to add is a bar to go over my shoulders with hooks that i can use to do squats like in a gym!"

attachment is great

"the handle attachment is great"

does the job fine

"based on having the second door anchor and the cost normally to buy another this isn't a bad little bit of kit for the money which does the job fine"

which is useful

"it comes with a sheet with some suggested exercises which is useful"

secure to the door

"good quality bit tough to stretch to begin with but they loosened up and are easy to secure to the door from top side and bottom allowing a good range of exercises"

cant fault

"i would have liked to see more heavier bands apart from that i cant fault it"

simple physics overall

"person who made ankle straps doesn't know any thing about fitness or either simple physics overall im really disappoint about this bands"

exactly as described

"product was good and is exactly as described"

transported with

"so handy with working away can easily be transported with me and they're quiet too!"

cheap quality

"now do sit ups do not require a person can get up and the price is cheap quality strong can meet my exercise needs very well very convenientput in the sitting room just right do not take a place to use at assist take exercise effect or pretty good the price is very cost effective or very high"

good fitness tool

"besides it is very comfortable to hold the handle which is a good fitness tool"

have sat for hours

"i love that you can work out anywhere i work from home lots and often forget the time and relise i have sat for hours"

a smooth body curve

"the reason i bought this one is because it has a smooth body curve so it is very comfortable to hold it"

multiple uses

"multiple uses and the door attachment leaves no damage"

handy little

"arrived quickly and packaged well in a handy little bag"

good and strong

"clips and straps all seem good and strong so doubtful these will give up even at the top weight!"

great sessions

"looking forward to some great sessions with these"

great product

"great product would order again"

next workout

"i especially like the storage bag that came with it its not like some bags that everything fit into it when it was brand new but never again everything goes back in nice & neat ready for my next workout"

better than others

"good product this one better than others as comes with 2 door stops"

easy setup

"it is a super easy setup to use and i found a lot of really great workout videos online that are giving me a good workout without leaving me super sore"

secure and strong

"they are very secure and strong without being at all uncomfortable even if you really fasten them tight"

exercise instructions

"i was surprised when it came wirh exercise instructions"

great quality

"they are of a great quality"

amazing home work

"amazing home work out"

just enough variety

"the bands come in just enough variety and with just enough attachments to do most of the workout you might want from it"

visually and excited to

"no damage visually and excited to try"

really liking

"really liking it"

good as weights

"very strong elastic nice and easy to use just as good as weights but better because your more mobile with these value for money"

no problems encountered

"i have been using for a week now and so far no problems encountered"

perform very well

"plenty of stretch which increases the level of resistance and at full stretch perform very well with no noticeable weaknesses in the stretched latex"

perfect for a quick pump

"love these bands easy to assemble and perfect for a quick pump!"

traveling workout

"these resistance bands are great for at home or traveling workout as long as you can get yourself motivated"

impressed by the product

"i have to say i am quite impressed by the product"

exactly what

"as for fastening they're exactly what i prefer having a simple continuous strap through the single large d ring and onto a very large area of velcro very secure very easy"

more to prevent

"first use out of the box did a 45 min workout using the green 20lbs all rigged up correctly and without overdoing it the band snapped nearly smacking me in the face 🤦🏻‍♂️ refund placed already not impressed and to avoid this again will be ordering another set elsewhere for a few quid more to prevent"

travelling again for work

"once i am travelling again for work this will be coming with me packs up nice and small into the travel bag!"

door anchor

"based on having the second door anchor and the cost normally to buy another this isn't a bad little bit of kit for the money which does the job fine"

excellent quality

"excellent quality"

leaves no damage

"multiple uses and the door attachment leaves no damage"

Compare Emotion analysis

Gritin Resistance Bands, [Set of 5] Skin-Friendly Resistance Fitness..

Positive tone

Neutral tone

Negative tone

26.9% 39.5% 33.6%
  neutral 39.5%
  worry 27.7%
  happiness 21.4%
  sadness 4.4%
  relief 2.3%
  fun 1.7%
  hate 1.3%
  love 0.8%
  surprise 0.4%
  fear 0.2%
  enthusiasm 0.2%
Resistance Bands Set Exercise Bands, Resistance Bands Set Men Home W..

Positive tone

Neutral tone

Negative tone

34.2% 31.5% 34.2%
  neutral 31.2%
  worry 25.8%
  happiness 18.3%
  sadness 5.8%
  relief 5.4%
  fun 3.7%
  enthusiasm 2.7%
  love 2.7%
  anger 1.4%
  surprise 1.4%
  fear 0.7%
  hate 0.7%
  empty 0.3%

* analysis performed using Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, data for the analysis has been gathered from multiple publicly accessible sources.
** strength is the level of sentiment expressed in a sentence, phrase or keyword. It ranges from 0 to 100%
prices and sales statistics are updated daily

last analysis update 2025-03-24